About us - Our strength is collaboration

We love software because it empowers us to create, innovate, and solve problems in ways that were once impossible.

At ACT Digtial, our software solutions are built upon the foundation of collaboration. We know that the digital realm is vast and ever-evolving. To keep up, we merge the best of minds and methodologies. From our software developers to our UX/UI designers, from the first line of code to the final user test, we operate as one cohesive unit.

We don’t just serve our clients; we collaborate with them. By working hand in hand, we translate complex challenges into intuitive, scalable, and robust software solutions. Every project is a testament to our shared passion for technology and innovation.

Embark on this collaborative journey with us. Let's co-create digital excellence.
Let’s act digital.


Our culture - Coding with the Rhythm of Berlin.

It started with three minds. One shared vision. Dive in with us to experience software development where creativity meets code, and passion meets precision.

  • Dynamic. Driven by youthful energy and Berlin's pulse, we bring adaptability and enthusiasm to every project. Our solutions are not just about today, but also about what's next. Choose us for a software journey that's always one step ahead.
  • Cohesive. Our bond began in university and has only strengthened since. This deep-rooted teamwork translates to a streamlined development process for you. When you work with us, you're getting the synergy of a team that understands each other intrinsically, ensuring your projects are in the most synchronized hands.
  • Vanguard. Inspired by Berlin's innovative spirit, we're at the forefront of tech trends and solutions. Our approach is avant-garde, daring to envision and implement software that sets benchmarks. Partner with us, and be a trailblazer in your industry.

Tell us about your project

Our office

  • Berlin
    Lützowstraße 102-104
    10785 Berlin, Germany